HARMFUL ALGAE NEWS – An IOC Newsletter on Harmful Algal Blooms and their Socio-Economic Impacts Subscribe
Harmful Algae News (HAN) is an IOC Newsletter created in 1992 to disseminate information on toxic/harmful algal blooms (HAB) and their socio-economic impacts as well as research news and management activities of interest to researchers, managers, policy makers and the general public. The Newsletter also serves as newsletter for GlobalHAB and the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA). Contributions to HAN include short feature articles, reports of new harmful events, highlights of international, regional and national HAB conferences, working groups, and HAB training and networking activities.
Harmful Algae News only exists if the Editor gets input from YOU!
Write to Editor NOW with news on new HAB events and their impacts in your country or region, or any other news and announcements you wish to share worldwide with a HAB community of ca. 5500 scientists and managers subscribed to the digital ‘Harmful Algae News’. Please submit manuscripts by e-mail to the Editors. Guide for authors here!
HAN is full open access, reproduction of any materials in any form is allowed without express permission from the Editors or publisher as long as there is a proper indication of the source.
Full HAN Collection (1 to last issue) in a searchable PDF here
Dated List to download any HAN issue in PDF format here
List of HAN DOI identifier assigned to each issue here
Links to download PDF of each issue from # 55 (Year 2016) onwards
No.78: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1594
No.77: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1587
No.76: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1579
No.75: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1577
No.74: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1565
No.73: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1556
No.72: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1555
No.71: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1549
No.70: https://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1544
No.69: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1530/
No.68: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1516/
No.67 : http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1499/
No.66 : http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1487/
No.65 : http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1481/
No.64 : http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1466/
No.63 : http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1439/
No.62 :http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1420/
No.61: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1401/
No.60: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1380/ or Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn
No.59: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1354/
No.58: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1331/
No.57: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1294/
No.56: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1276/
No.55: http://www.e-pages.dk/ku/1259/
Harmful Algae News is compiled and edited by:
Q & A
1, How to cite HAN articles?
In order that all contributors and the whole HAB community can cite the HAN articles to mutual benefit, we have assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to each issue since its first one in 1992. You can find DOI here; For issues after 68, DOI can be found on newsletter back cover. The articles can be cited in the following format, which will vary according to the requests from each journal:
Author’s Name Year. Article title. In Editors’ names (Eds.). HAN. Location of the article. Publisher. DOI
For Example:
Kazumi Wakita.2021. SHIOHIGARI and PSP toxins in Japan: Initiatives to save traditional recreational clam picking. In Reguera B & E Bresnan (Eds) HAN 67, UNESCO, pp 1-3 doi: http://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo.5109703