From January 2024 to 2025, the Canary Islands Harmful Algal Bloom Observatory (OCHAB), University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Spain in collaboration with the IOC Science and Communication Centre for Harmful Algae, Denmark will conduct a proficiency test on marine phytoplankton abundance and composition amongst laboratories.

The IPI proficiency testing scheme is open for participation to all relevant laboratories globally. This test is divided into two main competency areas and each participant must complete them both to obtain the required certification.

Taxonomical knowledge – in the form of a “Taxonomic assessment”, This test will be set up on a distant learning web platform called ‘Ocean teacher’. Participants will need to log on with a username and password and answer the questions online.

Sample Abundance and Composition – a number of samples inoculated with known quantities of a mixture of phytoplankton species or/and natural field samples will be sent to each laboratory. The number and type of samples will be adapted to be relevant to the participants each year.

Programme Schedule:

Registration opens: 30.01.2024 to 28.02.2024
Samples sent: 05.06.2024
Deadline for submission of samples: 01.09.2024
Report and Workshop: 01.11.2024