Harmful Algal Information System – HAIS

ACCESS the Harmful Algal Information System – HAIS

Information on HAEDAT area codes and background for harmful algal event records from the respective countries

Editors instructions for on-line submission of data to HAEDAT


The HAEDAT database contains information based on yearly national reports by ICES and PICES member states. The availabe information on individual events varies greatly from event to event or country to country. Monitoring intensity, number of monitoring stations, number of samplings, stations, etc. also varies greatly and therefore there is not a direct proportionality between recorded events and actual occurrences of e.g. toxicity in a given region. Furthermore, areas with numerous recorded occurrences of HAE’s, but with an efficient monitoring and management programmes, may have very few problems and a low risk of intoxications, whereas rare HAE’s in other areas may cause severe problems and represent significant health risks.

Therefore, HAEDAT maps should be interpreted with caution regarding risk of intoxication by seafood products from the respective areas/regions/countries.

The IOC, ICES and PICES are not liable for possible misue of this information.